Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Secret Saya

please...feel free to visit this cool and awesome website i think(aint sure if its forum or what)...u can share ur secret here...Secret Saya...everyone's cool and...n0 judgement...their site's backgr0und make me feel some kind of 'refreshing' and relax...as the moderator said "We wont let people know who you are. Sometimes people just want us to listen and that’s it. It’s a platform for everyone who wanted a place to let go that negative emotions and good vibe as well."....: )

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Piring Hitam

Piring Hitam merupakan antara sebuah band kegemaran ak...dianggotai oleh alfie(danyel),noko(aman),meor dan carl...chck it 0ut dude!!...haha...mereka mmg ser0nok...bleh bwk lpak...xs0mbonk...nh page drg piring hitam...ade beberapa lagu yg drg xltak kt page myspace drg yg bez2...kne request time lpak ngn drg ar...danyel nh available kt NZ wangsa...yg busking kt situ...hehe...antara lagu yg best-"Diari se0rg bdak kecil","Juana" dan "Rumput Hijau Itu"...kal0 nmpk band nh main gigs2 indie kt mana2 ringan2kn diri trun sana ekk...bkakkn skit mata yg ade bdak2 kiter leh main muzik...pr0duk kiter dudes!!...haha